2 Broke Girls- A TV Program to Watch!

Am totally hooked up with this new TV series called 2Broke Girls...It is one great comedy about two girls who are busy chasing their dreams and overcome each obstacle in quite funny yet informative ways!
Oleg is a sex maniac who refers to anythin and everything in a sexual manner...
Sophie is one hell of a fashionista and she looooves herself! Among other things,Sophie represents the women entrepreneurs  
Caroline is a girl from a very rich family that went broke instantly after her dad got arrested for fraud...She goes waiting tables and finds Max,a waitress from a poor neighborhood who gave up on all things BIG DREAMS... 
Their boss is Han...he is trying to learn English and American history for a green card...
Max is a bombshell with quite a sense of humor...She welcomes Caroline to her home and together,they start a cupcake shop in which Max is the baker and Caroline the account/marketing person...

It is a comedy program that will teach you alot of things while you laugh your ribs off...(yes,you can put that word :)) )

If you have not seen it yet,get yourself acquainted 

Missie Popular 

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha just seeing Oleg made me laugh the show is so funny though I can't seem to find season 3, oh well......
