The Shoe tells it all....

Shoes determine our destiny. From their designs to their color and size....your shoes say a lot about you,your journey and aspirations. Are they too tight that you can't walk? That you feel suffocated and just want out? Or are they too loose and you feel inadequate? Are they too high that you are scared to move just to avoid the hard fall? Or they are just too flat and seems too easy and boring?
The life journey is made easier with the right pair of shoes. Cheap or Louboutin expensive, flat or stilleto high,moccasin or loafers,we decide what fit us best. Be it in choosing the right career, marriage or any other life goal,the right fit is all we look for. But how easy to find,is it?
Now don't get me wrong, there are shoes of all kinds out there and you might be lucky to find that one pair...that one pair with the right insoles that hugs your feet, stable heel and enough room for all your toes...the right pair exists,but we all know it is unique, beautiful and very hard to find. That is where determination,prayer and resilience comes in....
Before you can rock those classy clean suede loafers, your feet will go through lots of industrial boots, safari boots, hard work leather pairs that allow you to move rock highs and valley bottoms in search of that comfortable feeling....
And then.....just then,will you be able to sit,relax and enjoy the least for few minutes before you switch modes, and put on those industrial boots and flat Tory Burch to ensure you keep that high and maintain the comfort...
In other words, your shoe closet can never invite only one type of shoe...there must be room for muddy ones as well. After-all, that is what life is all about...that is where all the fun lies. Alternate them shoes...and always remember to enjoy those moments with your favorite, well fitting, sexy and comfortable pair of shoes
Check where you are right now,determine the kind of shoe you need, put it on and move....Always keep moving...Remember, A new pair of shoes has no story to tell.

Missie Popular


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