Miss World Top 40 Beach Wear Announced

It all happened yesterday when the last opportunity Tanzania had on making it to the finale with good chances of winning something...evaporated!The Top 40 beach wear beauties were named and from Africa we have Nigeria, Equatorial Guinea, South Africa, Kenya, and South Sudan
 When I look at this, and realize that all the beach wear were identical and provided for....
 That,all it took for the Girl was to work the outfit and impress the judges....
I fail to understand what went wrong on our Miss Tanzania chances of being part of this Top 40...there might be more rules than we know off...maybe.

So,there you have it....Top 40 beach wear beauties...Kenya and South Sudan still shining!

Missie Popular


  1. Miss Tanzania was set to fail from the beginning. We don't know how to pick the best girls. As I said before, how can we pick rejects to go to compete in an international competition if the couldn't win locally? Most of these girls that are picked to go compete are not fresh faces, they have been around forever, tumewachoka! There's beautiful girls out there sema tu they don't have connections or they are not willing to sleep with someone to get the tittle. Utakuta mtu alikua Miss XXX from 2001 eti ndo anachaguliwa ku compete in 2012!I mean really?

  2. Still there z hopes for lissa to do wonders,expect the unexpected.she is stunning,vibrant and enchated i ve cin her kwenye rehersal video and camera seemz to liyk her.lets pray fo her
